We’d introduce our new Executive Director, but you probably already know her!
The Oaks Board of Directors has promoted Charity Fyke from Director of Operations to Executive Director. People who have been involved with the Oaks already know Charity, first as a resident and then as the staff leader for the program.

Charity first came to Oaks as a resident after her release from prison in 2018. Sadly, Charity’s story is similar to too many of the women who wind up in prison. Growing up in an abusive home, she turned to drugs and alcohol by the age of 10 and was a mother at 17. Like most female inmates, she was trapped in a cycle of incarceration, going to prison three times before finding the Oaks program. As she puts it, “God opened my eyes and showed me that even I could be a new creation in Christ.”
After coming to Oaks as a resident, Charity stayed as a member of our staff. She formalized many of the program features that Oaks has developed since its founding and has pushed for a number of other important changes, including our decision to open a third house and to expand our in-prison ministry. Largely through her efforts, Oaks tracks the progress of dozens female inmates as they move through the prison system to release.
Said Oaks Chairman Steve Reeves, ““The board is recognizing the amazing work that Charity has done to help us grow to three houses and expand our in-prison ministry.”
One of the things that has allowed Charity to have so much impact on the program is that she has used her experience as an inmate and then as an Oaks resident to put the needs of our women first. Here she is talking about the program from a resident's perspective.